That article you read talks about people "not trusting the media".
But what it didn't tell you is that "those people who don't trust the media" are also people who "don't pay a financial subscription to the economist". In other words, the ecomist as a base and tells its base what they want to hear. And what their liberal base wants to hear is why and how they are better than everyone else.
For you, I don't think it's about trust. It's more about which model to follow.
If you are worried about potential future financial impact, I'd suggest adopting the youtube influencer model.
Youtube doesn't pay content creators that much. So the successful content creators rely on "patrons" vis patrons, buymeacoffee etc.
They use free content as de facto advertising for a patrons style patrons.
One way yoitube has been changing for boxing is sponsorship. Gambling companies sponsor youtube channels, either openly or in secret. DAZN has begun. Sponsoring some channels too.
If you do ever need to rely on social media as your main income, look at the yoitube channel "tru school sports".
This guy creates a video for every little boxing topic
Each video each 1k to 3k views. But bc he posts so many videos, the view count adds up
That channel is probably the closest to what you want to do.
Have you though of approaching trust Dixon or whomever and asking if probox/boxingscene is interested in video documentaries?
Are you allowed to engage with other entities like mvp? A eyan Portland documentary might have been useful to mvp to show Portland as a legitimate fighter. Borland not Portland.
BTW, since you are on this topic, I don't know if you are aware, but your book has a table of contents. But there are no page numbers on the pages.
That article you read talks about people "not trusting the media".
But what it didn't tell you is that "those people who don't trust the media" are also people who "don't pay a financial subscription to the economist". In other words, the ecomist as a base and tells its base what they want to hear. And what their liberal base wants to hear is why and how they are better than everyone else.
For you, I don't think it's about trust. It's more about which model to follow.
If you are worried about potential future financial impact, I'd suggest adopting the youtube influencer model.
Youtube doesn't pay content creators that much. So the successful content creators rely on "patrons" vis patrons, buymeacoffee etc.
They use free content as de facto advertising for a patrons style patrons.
One way yoitube has been changing for boxing is sponsorship. Gambling companies sponsor youtube channels, either openly or in secret. DAZN has begun. Sponsoring some channels too.
If you do ever need to rely on social media as your main income, look at the yoitube channel "tru school sports".
This guy creates a video for every little boxing topic
Each video each 1k to 3k views. But bc he posts so many videos, the view count adds up
That channel is probably the closest to what you want to do.
Have you though of approaching trust Dixon or whomever and asking if probox/boxingscene is interested in video documentaries?
Are you allowed to engage with other entities like mvp? A eyan Portland documentary might have been useful to mvp to show Portland as a legitimate fighter. Borland not Portland.
What I would suggest is that you set up a patroneon or alternative account where your readers or listeners can opt in to be financial supporters.
Hey there, honestly, my goal is to provide a free community to share my thoughts and create a great community of fight fans who like to talk boxing.